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Dems Suddenly Love Presidential Power, Dis Congress?

President Biden’s firing of NLRB & CFPB heads on day one is quite a turnaround in his view of presidential power.

You’ll recall how enamored Mr. Biden & the Dems were in Obama-era activist Justices who made up interpretations of the Constitution as they went along so’s to be consistent with their progressive personal views; they hated President Trump’s view of expansive executive powers, especially when it came to his “right” to hire or fire those serving under him. Mr. Biden suggested he spent many a sleepless night worrying about how Mr. Trump was terrorizing his corps of Senate-confirmed worker-bees. And, he surely fretted over how Mr. Trump’s constitutionalist appointments aka Gorsuch, Kavanaugh & Coney-Bryantl would gum up the Obama works.

Then, came Justice Kavanaugh with his theory of “unitary executive”, which gave Mr. Biden the legal cover to axe the NLRB’s & CFPB’s heads. As the WSJ editors noted, every new president has a right to put his own people in key places. Yet, Mr. Biden’s “dismissals [at the two congressionally created bureaus] are a break with long precedent at the NLRB and a 180-degree reversal of Democratic views about the CFPB.” It’s called “hypocrisy,” WSJ, and there’s more to be dished up in the coming days. In the coming years, God only knows the extent to which the selective interpretation of the Constitution will again be invoked by the Dem-controlled fed govt & ultimately rebound against the foolish erosion of Congressional power.

Davd Soul


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