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Dems Suppress Dirty Secret Policy Now Drives Turnout?

When the Biden, Pelosi & Schumer "top priority" bill to federalize elections was defeated on the Senate floor with help from 2 Dems you could almost hear the "nuclear attack" sirens blaring to sound the alarm that the Russians were coming. Yet, the Unholy Trinity still insisted minority votes are being “suppressed” while the dirty secret THEY suppress is that the Black, Asian & Hispanic voting rate now exceeds white voting rate in many places.

At least, so argues WSJ’s Jason Riley in “The Racial Progress Democrats Won’t Admit,” the main point being progressive pols pushing for reform are making an ageless “ugly” aka “divisive” appeal to fear rather than “unity” as black voter-registration & turnout keep climbing” & at times breaks record. As an example of the “demagoguery” that’s going on: “President Biden has spent the better part of his first year in office insisting he wants to steer the country in a less racially divisive direction. Last week, he took it all back. When you invoke Bull Connor, Jefferson Davis, George Wallace and the Ku Klux Klan to describe your political opponents, your objective isn’t racial harmony, but something closer to the opposite. Maybe we should thank him for finally coming clean.”

Yet, Mr. Riley argues, the facts on voting trends don’t lie: “Nationally, the black voter-turnout rate exceeded white turnout for the first time in 2008,” of course, when President Obama first ran for the WH, and again in 2012 as he asked voters for a second term. That upward leap retreated in 2016 when apathy engulfed the Hillary Clinton campaign, yet a Pew Research Center noted, just “two years later … all major racial and ethnic groups saw historic jumps in voter turnout.” If Mr. Riley is right, then, the “trick” to increasing voter turnout regardless of race ain’t gaming the system but what games, i.e., policy stakes, are on the ballot.

Davd Soul


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