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Depp Heards Us To Rewatch “War Of The Roses”

Well, we’ve already gotten an ear full of mutual “fear & loathing” between Johnny Depp & ex-Amber Heard in Johnny’s defamation suit, but it’s hard to see how any of the marriage from hell details can be called by jurors in the Disney star’s favor.

“Bizarre and unrelatable” criminal defense attorney Mark Eiglarsh told Fox News when asked to react to Mr. Depp’s testimony this week. “It sounds more like therapy,” replied Fox’s Martha MacCallum. Exactly. Perhaps Depp simply wanted his day in court, to tell the world his side of the story … whatever that is … to Ms. Heard’s Wa Po op ed suggesting SHE via HE was a victim of “domestic abuse”. We learned, for example, from Depp he “cried and begged ex-wife for detox meds;” falsely accused him of “criminal acts” while faking injuries & blood with nail polish; and once scratched the hell out of his face; meanwhile, he had a traumatic childhood marked by “constant” abuse from his mother and his nurse in 2015 frantically searched for, but could not find his severed finger.

Ms. Heard is expected to paint a different picture when she takes the stand, i.e., as her attorney has already done. The defense will deny Ms. Heard threatened suicide if Johnny left her & has already signaled they’d try to show Depp as a “delusional” & “paranoid” actor who drank & took drugs & “kicked” & “punched” his totally innocent client. We’re assured “video & photo evidence of the alleged abuse will be shown to the jury.” But, please. Maybe all of this was better left in the couples’ closet. We’ve already seen the 1989 movie “War of the Roses,” & that “black comedy” wasn’t funny to anyone who’s lived (and died) through something like this.

Davd Soul


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