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Depp Wins Libel Suit Heard Round World

I thought the Depp-Heard jury would decide BOTH were losers, but the $15M awarded to Jack Sparrow suggests trier of fact was impressed by pirate’s impromptu plank speak, not the actress’s more polished act on the stand.

Were there ever two parties who seemed to hate one another more than the vicious ex-love birds in the 1989 movie “The War of the Roses”? Yet, Mr. Depp’s widely-criticized testimony … that seemed to ramble more than the pirate he played for Disney’s sensational hit series … apparently rang more true. True, let’s not forget the jurors also awarded Heard $2M for her counter-defamation lawsuit, though most of her libel allegations were denied.

Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy immediately quipped The Washington Post might now be sued by Mr. Depp since it was a 2018 op ed in the Post that accused him of abusing Heard during their marriage and arguably maybe led to his being buried alive by Disney aka kicked off the next Pirates of the Caribbean installment. It later came out that that opinion piece supposedly written by Heard was at least partly ghost-written by an ACLU mouthpiece. Know what? Maybe ACLU or even DISNEY could also be held legally liable to Mr. Depp on some defamation if not actual or implied contractual or employment theory? Any surprise if Mickey Mouse announces the return of Jack Sparrow sooner rather than later?

Davd Soul


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