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DeSantis Another Brawler Getting It Done?

WSJ op ed all but endorsed Gov DeSantis for pres cause of his legislative record on taxes, spending, education, crime, immigration & abortion. If Mickey-Masher announces, must Trump do more than cheap-shot “Gov Get It Done”?

To his credit, No. 45 may already be taking the WSJ’s hint & got more specific recently in countering this DeSantis “achievement” narrative by saying the governor’s “6-week abortion” law is “too harsh.” For once, Mr. Trump thoughtfully made a reasonable critique of an opponent’s position on an issue, without the usual mind-numbing mockery. If only Trump would find the discipline to also crow like a similar yet more refined DeSantis, he can also persuasively point to his own record of achievement while president, especially in kicking ISIS butt, containing Bush’s “Evil Axis”, cutting taxes, managing the BORDER BETTER THAN BIDEN, giving a big boost to school choice, & urging support for police while getting historic prison reforms thru Congress. (Never mind the Covid fiasco & big mistake of letting Know-It-All-Know-Nothings like Dr. Fauci drive the country into a draconian lockdown frenzy that lasted way too long.)

But, as the editors suggested, DeSantis is somewhat of a new challenge for Trump, partly because their core personalities are kind of similar, but also because he’s got a lot to crow about too: “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has a reputation as a cultural brawler, ready & willing to throw a right hook at Mickey Mouse, the College Board, the national press. To many GOP voters, it’s part of his appeal. But as Mr. DeSantis readies a 2024 presidential campaign, what deserves to get more attention [i.e., from Mr. Trump as well as voters], is the agenda he recently helped usher through Tallahassee.”

Davd Soul


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