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Devil Now In Legal Suicide Details?

We’re told “legalized assisted suicide push in US alarms doctors, disability advocates” asking, “where do you draw the line?” But what to expect from a society that not only pushes baby abortion & kid sex trans surgery?

Not that physician-assisted suicide is anything new. As a Fox News story notes, it’s been a “hotly debated topic across the US for decades. It started in Oregon in 1997 & is now on the books in 10 other states & DC. Yet, as the story goes, “a push to legalize the controversial practice in more states is picking up steam this year.” Enabling legislation is now pending in 10 more states. Revealingly, the pro-legal suicide folks typically use the neutered terms “aid in dying” or “right to die.”

Yet, as one doctor lamented to Fox: Assisted suicide is a “terrible advancement” & really reflects a culture with less respect for life. Said Dr. Jeff Barke: “To legislate & consecrate the idea that we purposefully expedite their death is not what medicine is all about, not what our healing profession is about & is emblematic of what’s going on in our society …” That is, death by making a reservation instead of using “medicine, palliative care & hospice to ease pain & comfort in end-of-life” scenarios. The Chief Medical Advisor for the Convention of States also suggests the assisted movement is another sign of a “cultural shift to take God out of every part of society” & presumably replace it with “science.” But, who’s science? Even Einstein admitted he did not know everything about the universe let alone life & death. Dr. Jeffrey Barrows “know this firsthand.” The obstetrician was diagnosed with stage IV terminal cancer one year ago, but is now celebrating his remission.” Concluded the Sr VP of Bioethics & Public Policy for Christian Medical & Dental Assns, “many doctors would rather quit medicine than “be complicit in the evil.” As always, ain’t the devil always in the details?

Davd Soul


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