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“Dick” Durbin’s Flag Waving Masterpiece

Consider that Illinois Sen. “Dick” Durbin is never referred to as “smart” & you know what some women say about what men think with as the pol tries to recuse a Justice from political cases for his wife’s “Appeal to Heaven” flag waving.


The WSJ opinion titled, “Chief Justice Durbin Opines” was really a put down the Illini Senator probably can’t grasp; that is, it wasn’t an ode to Durbin’s legal brilliance as the Senate Judiciary Cte Chair, but a tongue in cheek reminder he should “stay in [his] constitutional lane” & let the judges judge under the Separation of Powers Clause. Still, there was Durbin grandstanding by sending a letter to Chief Justice Roberts that summons him to a meeting at which he’d be ordered by “the hall monitor of the Supreme Court … to discuss judicial ethics.” What “ethics” you ask?


Specifically, “the Senator [& Democratic colleagues] claim to be triggered by the news of flags flying at the abodes of Justice Samuel Alito. We’ve discussed those flag cases in precious editorials as irrelevant to the Justice’s views on cases before the Court. But that didn’t stop the Democrats from asserting that the flags create ‘reasonable doubt as to his impartiality in certain proceedings, thereby requiring his disqualification’ from cases involving Donald Trump.” Concluded the editors: “The real Chief should tell the fake chief to” bug off & burn his odious letter. As it happens, late Wednesday afternoon, Justice Alito issued a statement essentially telling his Democrat critics to kiss his wife's flag, "I won't recuse myself."


Davd Soul


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