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Did Forgetful Biden Lose Track of 201K New Jobs?

While Pres Biden bragged about 199K new jobs being created in December, Steve Forbes reminded Joe’s policies were “standing in the way” of a recovery since most new jobs were in red states ending govt benefits & Fox’s Jesse Watters noted it was really another “big mess” since his economists had predicted 400K new jobs.

Calling Mr. Biden’s take on the DOL’s December jobs report a “fairy tale,” the chairman of Forbes Media gave “The Faulkner Focus” a laundry list of why he was torching No. 46: “He ignores the fact that before the COVID crisis hit, American unemployment was lower,” Forbes said. “Lower-income people’s wages were rising at a faster pace than the rest of the workforce and things were going in the right direction … [then Biden ] … hobbled the recovery from COVID as the lockdowns ended. His war on oil and gas, for example, [caused] rising energy costs, which hits everyone.” And, Biden’s vaccine mandates & “public shaming” of the unvaxed caused many to leave the workforce. Forbes also called out Biden’s massive spending agenda via his budget and “Build Back Better” plans would cause more money to be printed by the US Treasury & trigger even more inflation since the Federal Reserve must finance those inevitable spiraling deficits. “So you put it all together, [Biden] has taken something where if he had done nothing he would look like a hero today. But, [instead he is] throwing roadblocks” to a normally expected recovery.

Meanwhile opined Watters on the hailed 199K new jobs that had been projected to be 400K: “Sounds like an easy job to be a [Biden] economist. You get paid to be wrong.”

Davd Soul


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