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Did Kavanaugh Tell Eviction Ban Biden 2 Kiss My Ring?

The WSJ suggested it was Justice Brett Kavanaugh who trashed POTUS’ latest abuse of power aka Biden’s fake CDC eviction moratorium. Recall as in Kabul, Afghan Biden wasn’t able to deliver Congressionally earmarked relief to landlords & tenants, making one excuse after another, & a 6-3 majority finally nuked his “lawless [aka forever] eviction ban”.

In an unsigned order apparently written (or inspired) by you know who aka Justice K, the majority opined: Landlords “not only have a substantial likelihood of success on the merits – it is difficult to imagine them losing.” In other words, only a fool or demagogue would even try to stretch the Rule of Law so shamelessly. The WSJ concedes the majority opinion doesn’t name Mr. Biden but “the forceful opinion makes clear they noticed how he abused” their earlier extension of time: “The CDC has imposed a nationwide moratorium on evictions in reliance on a decades-old statute that authorizes it to implement measures like fumigation & pest exterminations,” the Court began explaining Con Law 101. “It strains credulity to believe this statute grants CDC the sweeping authority that it asserts. Could the CDC, e.g., mandate free grocery delivery to the homes of the sick or vulnerable? Require manufacturers to provide free computers" so folks can work from home?”

Actually, Mr. Justice, that pretty much sums up some of what the Biden Administration REALLY IS DOING IN THE SMALL PRINT of its $3T spending proposal. The WSJ thinks the Justices were only “musing” about this unabashed cynicism behind the extra-legal CDC eviction ban. But, yes, Joe & Co. really think they are doing a swell job & dared to tell the High Court to kiss you know who’s coattails if it didn’t like it … then, Justice Kavanaugh or somebody who writes like him said, no Joe, come hither & kiss my ring.

Davd Soul


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