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Did Pelosi Cast 1st Stone 4 Taiwan War?

Fox’s Gutfeld says “we haven’t heard last from China” & 2 WSJ authors warn of “Coming War Over Taiwan.” Hyperbole? Where’d we hear last? Before Pearl Harbor?

Argued Hal Brands and Michael Beckley, “The US is running out of time to prevent a cataclysmic war in the Western Pacific … with its global power at a peak and domestic problems mounting, China is likelier than ever before to make good on its threats,” e.g., “whoever plays with fire” over Taiwan “will get burned.” Are the just announced “extended” war games around “ITS” island after the strangely-timed Pelosi visit just more “saber-rattling”? Or, a replay of the kinds of things Imperial Japan said and did leading up to WWII?

In this case, maybe Pelosi’s visit was a stroke of genius in that it revealed China’s plan to encircle, blockade and strangle Taiwan into submission ala what Putin is sort of doing in Ukraine, if unskillfully. Maybe not so ingenious in that it seems to have, if disingenuously, sped up China’s timeline for taking drastic action, i.e., while they have a feeble president and ditsy House leader to deal with?

Davd Soul


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