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Disinformation Joe Covers 4 Hillary’s Hoax?

It doesn’t take a Musk or Durham to remind us ... with Hillary's ongoing denial she ok’d Russia hoax info in 2016 election, the intel community’s complicity & Joe’s “paused” Disinformation Bd ... that she & they haven’t learned a thing.

So also suggests the WSJ’s Holman Jenkins in his “Durham, the Disinformation Board and the 2024 Elections – or Why Elon Musk ties his free-speech fight to the collusion hoax and Hunter’s laptop.” The Swamp players’ bizarrely complex effort to control a presidential election, in fact, kept getting weirder as one cover up led to another; then, it got still more ridiculous as they tried to undermine an elected president to the point of two failed impeachments. Put in the simplest of terms by Mr. Holman: It was all a massive pile on, then, cover up “that formerly would have been hard to envisage outside Vladimir Putin’s Russia.” Or, the Keystone Cops? Doesn't Special Counsel Durham’s prosecution of Clinton mouthpieces & lackies now being unravelled in court in “drip-drip-drip” fashion also painfully if finally show us how “50 former U.S. intelligence officials, led by Obama veterans, concocted & sold to the media a legend about the Hunter Biden laptop story"?

So, if Mr. Holman is right, "we now have one foot in a future that should horrify any American, with US intelligence veterans, like Russia’s "siloviki" [or strongmen], gaslighting our electorate to influence a presidential election.” Will 2022 or 2024 be any different? Not, Mr. Holman suggests, if Joe’s lame attempt to color if not suppress Durham’s revealing of the La Grand Hoax & related political opposition is any indication.

Davd Soul


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