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DNC’s Amazing Kreskin Primary Trick

As AP poll says most Dems don’t want 2d Biden term, DNC’s accused of “rigging” next primaries by holding friendly SC’s 1st so ‘Ol Joe gets leg up. Hypocritical? Yes. Pro-Democracy? No. Magic Act Needed to Rescue Sad Sack? Maybe.

As the WSJ’s editorial board noted without alluding to a too obvious LACK of competitive “talent” in the Dem ranks: “Imagine if the Republican Party rigged its presidential nominating calendar to help Donald Trump slide past states where he’s politically weak. Would that go down easily with the GOP or the press corps? That’s essentially what Democrats are doing to help President Biden – to little protest or even much media notice” as the DNC voted last week to revise the party’s nominating calendar to put South Carolina first in line, unending a half century of tradition.” The idea of course is to avoid the expected tepid if not anti-Biden vote in the traditional early primaries in Iowa & New Hampshire.

Some perspective might assuage the editors’ concerns. Didn’t Joe’s primary “comeback” in 2020 already question the importance of the early primaries? Aren’t Biden's tanking poll numbers an ominous sign his cause might be hopeless no matter what the batting order? Doesn’t the alleged rigging further put on display No. 46’s chronic weakness as a leader? Think how it was demonstrated in the Afghan fiasco, ignored warnings to Putin in Ukraine, the overrun open border & the Chinese Balloon Saga. Isn’t it more likely an 82-yr-old Biden’s fate is going to be decided by voters who either want the old man in or out & can’t be fooled again? Yet, what if Joe this time enlists an 88-yr-old magician’s slight of hand? (Yes, born in 1935, the mentalist, Amazing Kreskin, is STILL alive & available to help Joe pull off an old trick or two.)

Davd Soul


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