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Do Defund Police Radicals Have Biden’s Ear?

It’s bad enough Ga’s Gov candidate Stacey Abrams serves on non-profit board pushing to defund police but now did Joe Biden’s WH aides outrageously favor radical anti-police activists over the past year with intimate talks?

The WH logs don’t lie. As Fox News reports: “Despite maintaining public distance from the ‘defund the police’ movement, President Biden’s administration has quietly maintained relationships with some of the driving forces behind the far-left movement” as “several … have met with top aides.” Well, Mr. Biden has also “tapped left-wingers in sync with the defund movement to key positions in his administration and … what did his controversial Supreme Court appointee say about the defund the police movement with a smile? Concluded the article, “throughout it all, anti-police activists appear to have had a direct line to the WH.”

What the article doesn’t say is to what extent, if any, those radicals INFLUENCED Biden policies so far. But, if true, the behind-the-scenes ploy would seem to echo how Team Biden has arguably operated in a two-faced manner, that is, privately and publicly, on a variety of other key issues, including foreign policy, the economy and the environment. In some instances, national security requires a president to maintain dual stances and, yes, even the most influential radicals need to be in some sort of loop with the WH. But, exactly HOW DOES INTIMATE PRIVATE TALKS WITH DEFUND THE POLICE RADICALS advance national security?

Davd Soul


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