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Does Biden Immigration Policies Out Cruel Trump’s?

Mary Anastasia O’Grady’s WSJ op ed “Biden’s Cruel Immigration Policy” is a scathing indictment worth reviewing. The main point: “Migrants want to fill jobs in the US but there’s no legal path to enter the country,” despite empty promises from the Swamp that a “fix is right around the corner.”

Ms. O’Grady isn’t buying the Blarney she hears from DC: “Rape, murder, robbery, poisonous snakes, dangerous terrain, exhaustion & disease are some of the risks in traversing the jungle known as the Darien Gap, straddling the Colombia-Panama border.” She estimates 10K migrants, mostly Haitians & Cubans, are currently stranded in Necoli, Colombia, waiting to cross the Gulf of Uruba so they can even start the journey into hell. The end game: “A chance to work in the US where there’s a labor shortage.” According to O’Grady, “a humane US immigration policy would … give migrants a legal path to those jobs by allowing them to apply for visas at local consulates.”

Simple? “But, who wants to fix immigration when it’s so politically useful for both sides of the aisle in Washington? Instead we have images of desperate, anguished masses on the trails, a string of casualties & a crush of humanity month after month hitting the southern US border. HHS Sec. Mayorkas said last week the US is ‘building an immigration system that is designed to ensure due process, respect human dignity & promote equity.” When it will materialize is anyone’s guess. Meanwhile, a mixture of … [Biden] incompetence & political gamesmanship has produced an immigration policy best described as cruel.” And, progressives thought you know who was tough on immigrants trying to skip the line.

Davd Soul


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