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Does Black Hole Pic “Show” End Of Times?

NY Times’ “The Milky Way’s Black Hole Comes to Light” relates how a $68M photo finally let us “see” the spectacle of Einstein’s greatest theory. Do we also get a bit more enlightenment as to God’s Miraculous Creation & Fearful Ending?

As the Times explained the science of this 1st-ever Event Horizon Telescope photo: “Black holes were an unwelcome consequence of the general theory of relativity, which attributed gravity to the warping of space & time by matter & energy, much in the way a mattress sags under a sleeper…Einstein’s insight led to a new conception of the cosmos, in which space-time could quiver, bend, rip, expand, swirl & disappear forever into the maw of a black hole, an entity with gravity so strong that not even light could escape it. Einstein disapproved of this idea”, but, then, he’s not God, as since 1974, scientists increasingly believed destructive, planet-eating black holes were at the core of most if not all galaxies.

Meanwhile, while “seeing may be believing,” the Milky Way black hole’s pic raises more questions than answers. For instance, computer simulations had estimated “the black hole should be noisier & more turbulent. “Something is missing,” said Priya Natarajan, a Yale astronomer, as if OUR black hole that could one day eat us all up isn’t violent enough. As the Gospel of John warned simply enough, “It the beginning was the WORD” & the end of times is going to be violent on a scale not seen before … that is, perhaps, not seen until now thanks to the Event Horizon Telescope.

Davd Soul


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