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Does Dr. Fauci Follow Politics As Much As Science?

While the NY Post & other conservative media have criticized what it calls Dr. Anthony “I follow the science” Fauci’s “flip flopping” on Covid advice, they might consider Packers QB Aaron Rodgers defending his own anti-vax stance by noting “if you can’t question science [ala Dr. Fauci], it ain’t science.”

Could it be Dr. Fauci’s forever changing advice on how to protect oneself against Covid is simply due to his own unrelentingly scientific questioning of his own science like a good scientist should? In a June, 2021 “fact check” piece, CNN suggests as much. And, in July, the NIH’s Fauci told a Baltimore TV station “the science didn’t change, the virus did.” Then, NBC & other MSM noted how Fauci “floats tightening mask rules even as Olympics Ease Them” and later, how Fauci opined “it’s [now] a matter of ‘when not if’” his definition of “fully vaccinated” will change. Huh? Wait a second. Back up a minute.

Could it be Dr. Fauci’s forever changing scientific advice on how to protect oneself again Covid also has something to do with the life-long bureaucrat’s politics and “getting people to do what he wants them to do at a given point in time”? Recall the “noble” lie told about masks not working so well for common people so health care workers would have them while there was a shortage? An unfair if not loaded question? Maybe THAT questioner’s defense would be to paraphrase Rodgers, “If you can’t question political science, it ain’t political science.”

Davd Soul


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