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Does Gas Ban Science Have Leak?

No fan of gas stoves or fireplaces here, BUT a well-funded effort to ban them is based on 2 faulty if explosive studies, alleges WSJ’s Kimberley Strassel. “Biden and the media deny it exists,” she warns, BUT … BOOM!

Notes Ms. Strassel: “Don’t believe for a second Consumer Product Safety Commission member Richard Trumpka’s slippery claim that they aren’t coming for your stove. Or the media narrative that Republicans are ‘hyping’ a new ‘culture war’ by ‘pretending’ the Biden Administration intends to ban gas stoves. The reason gas stoves are in the news is simple: There is a coordinated, calculated – and well-funded – strategy to kill them off. It’s the joint enterprise of extremely powerful climate groups, working with Biden officials who have publicly stated their aim to eliminate all ‘combustion appliance’ in homes. Only after the GOP called them out did anyone pretend otherwise.”

Well, if so, here we go with another progressive argument straight out of Disneyland if not hell. Again argues Strassel: “The stated goal … is killing gas appliances to ‘save’ the planet. Yet they also know Americans won’t give up their stoves in the name of climate. So several years ago this cabal hit on the idea of contradicting decades of science & ginning up hokey studies claiming gas stoves present a ‘health risk.’ The goals: Scare Americans & give gov’t a pretext to ban gas cooking.” Strassel cites 2 “frequently cited [but she suggests debunked] studies”, one from the Rocky Mtn Institute & the other by NYTU Institute for Policy Integrity, that claim there’s a link between gas stoves, childhood asthma & indoor pollution. Is Kim right in concluding: “The left won’t stop until it has dictated what you drive, where you live and how you cook.”

Davd Soul


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