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Does Montana’s Pro-Abortion Vote Compute?

Do we owe thanks or disdain to 52% of Montana’s referendum voters who killed state law requiring docs to give solace to babies who survived botched abortion? Libs hail Caesar? Conservatives weep with Mary?

As the pro-abortion activists’ signs argued, the state’s new pro-life law needed to be blocked by voters to “Protect safe, legal abortions.” No doubt, doctors were also worried about even more legal liability they’d be exposed to should the law have gotten the needed voter ok. Yet, the 48% who saw nothing but common sense as well as common decency in saving the life of a living creature begging to suck in the same air we all breath:

“They’re basically saying they want the babies left out to die,” tweeted pro-life activist Abby Johnson. Filmmaker Robby Starbuck also tweeted: “Montana voted to let babies die. Let that sink in. All this [new law] would have done is force doctors to give care to a living human baby, including if they’re born alive after an abortion. What a dark, horrific day.” Fox News also noted Defense lawyer Marina Medvin’s post: “Police are required to give medical care to homicidal maniacs who shoot at them. Society demands that convicted serial killers be given medical care and food in prison. But Montana says that innocent babies should not be given milk or medical care. This doesn’t compute.”

Davd Soul


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