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Does Pelosi Serve Picadillo In Stock Trading Flip-Flop?

Like most voters, No. 45 wants all of Congress to end its personal stock trading while in office & Speaker Pelosi finally said “ok” IF new rule is applied to the Supreme Court Justices & fam too. Devour her picadillo serving & call her bluff since judicial conflict rules already cover that faux ground?

Talk about Pelosi’s “Pelican Briefing” on the topic when she announced her flip flop to the press. (The Urban Dictionary’s definition alludes not to the Grisham book & movie by that name but to “any material that attempts to cover usually sloppy, roast beef style pussy lips in an attempt to constrict their natural tendency to dangle like the sweating flaps of overexposed and necrotic skin under good ol’ granny’s arms.) As if on cue, the liberal MSM (NY Times, WaPo, NPR, CNN, NBC, CBS, etc) bit & went bonkers reporting on bejowled Pelosi’s supposedly sudden reversal on the issue, i.e., after Mr. Trump said she and her enriched hubby should be banned from playing the stock market while legislating on its operations. (Pelosi herself doesn’t dabble in stocks.)

Actually, a Fox News poll says banning stock trades by members of Congress is widely popular with voters as 72% of Democrats and 69% of Republicans recently polled favor such a ban. Maybe THAT had something to do with the Pelosi Pelican Brief(ing) taking flight, too?

Davd Soul


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