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Does Society Have Will 2 Stop Sick Shooters?

Will Awake the Rapper wake up our woke society to reality that pills & shrinks aren’t likely to cure the truly crazed or evil … and that red flag or any gun laws will not likely protect a society that hasn’t the will to protect itself?

In the Highland Park accused’s case, the 21-yr-old kid’s parents, police, shrinks & social workers, we’re told in the latest media accounts, KNEW about his suicide attempts & threats of killing others since he was at least 18. Other red flags abounded. Yet, somehow, as usual, he was free to cause his promised havoc by virtue of laws relating to minors, court rulings “protecting” mentally ill people’s “rights” & a history of “treating” their illness by “mainstreaming” rather than institutionalization. Right. Put a determined psycho right where he can do the most damage most easily? Much will again be made by progressive pols about “gun control” being the “answer” but we all know this kid had access to vehicles & other weapons to carry out what he called his “destiny.” Yet, wasn’t the only logical, realistic way to be sure to have prevented this latest debacle was to have him OFF the street? Or, are we unwilling to see or hear the obvious?

I still recall practicing some family law near this same Illinois community when almost overnight during the Reagan Administration there was a massive shift … fueled by well-intentioned progressives & many conservatives … essentially replacing local mental institutions (& commitment court proceedings) with a “more humane” way of treating the seriously mentally ill. An explosion of homelessness was arguably one consequence. And, ever since the 1988 Laurie Dann school shooting of 6 little kids in nearby Winnetka, which btw was one of the first to gain national notoriety, there’s been how many Awake the Rapper & other copycat tragedies?

Davd Soul


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