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DOJ & MSM Create Own Pressure Cooker

An odd trending MSM story suggested DOJ was “pressuring” journalists to help prosecute Wikileaks Assange as he was holed up in a UK jail awaiting extradition to US. As if MSM hasn’t spent yrs making up news, then, dodging consequences.

One of the legal myths advanced by the MSM when it suits them, is that they are so privileged they have an unassailable immunity from revealing sources, whether national security or a recipe for fillet mignon is at stake. Another weird, if more recent, attempt at rewriting the “rules of engagement” between gov’t & 4th Estate is that DOJ can’t so much as talk to reporters during a criminal investigation without being accused of “pressuring” them to cooperate. Da. WHO DO YOU THINK WSJ, NY TIMES, WAPO & SCHMOPO GET MANY OF THEIR “SCOOPS” FROM? (And, vice versa aka “leads”?) For example, how did CNN cameras & mouthpieces get in on the early morning FBI raid of Roger Stone, a Trump friend?

But, let’s not digress. Of course, DOJ & the MSM work together at times when it’s mutually advantageous. And, of course, they mutually “pressure” one another when they think the other guy isn’t lending a helping hand in a given case. If only they wouldn’t snivel about the “system” THEY mutually created. Or, abuse it to abuse others.

Davd Soul


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