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DOJ’s Trumped Up 2b Standard Nuked

Ludicrous claims justifying FBI Mar-a-Lago raid on ground foreign terrorists could have gotten hands on US nuke secrets is belied by WSJ’s BIGGER concern FBI is 2b the hypocrite with 2 standards after Comey’s Clinton fiasco.

In its “The Comey-Clinton Document Standard & Trump,” the editorial board cannot help but point out” “When Hillary kept classified information on her private email server, Justice & the FBI let her off.” Said FBI Director during a July 2016 press conference: “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”

Concluded the WSJ: “In other words, Mrs. Clinton could have been indicted but wasn’t. That ended the Clinton email saga as a legal matter – with a lecture but without a prosecution. As we wrote at the time, this was an outrageous usurpation by the FBI director, whose role was to investigate and turn the evidence [of over 2K emails destroyed] over to a US Attorney or the Attorney General to decide the prosecution.” Exactly. The “precedent” on how to treat such document disputes was supposedly set, no matter how foolish … Suddenly, however, and now that the radicalized Dems control the WH & DOJ as well as Congress, AG Garland is reportedly weighing whether to rely on a grand jury to decide Mr. Trump’s fate? And, even though the Presidential Records Act in this case gives Mr. Trump way more rights than Hillary had? If so, WSJ wonders whether the “2b standard” smells more like 2b the baloney rather than that Wrigley mint gum.

Davd Soul


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