Donkeys & Elephants in ‘24 Election Room
Karl Rove is right about “Policy Elephant(s)” in the 2024 election that “neither candidate has bothered to” (or at least adequately) addressed. Think national debt now at $35.7 TRILLION, impending implosion of safety net & faltering national security.
Says Rove in a WSJ op ed, each of the above realities facing the national RIGHT NOW are DIRE. And, that “neither candidate can dismiss [these] disturbing warnings as political spin. “Yet, here again, both candidates are mostly mute.” For example, “Mr. Trump occasionally asserts he alone can keep the peace – a claim so vague as to be silly. Ms. Harris largely ignores the issue, thereby raising doubts about her as a prospective commander in chief. According to Rove, “The campaign’s policy debates have been truncated generally, and on these three vital issues – debt, entitlements & defense – recklessly superficial.”
Of course, Mr. Rove is also right in concluding: “These challenges won’t go away, whoever is elected. Without the benefit of a national discussion amid the campaign, no consensus can emerge on what to do. America is headed for trouble on multiple fronts, and both Ms. Harris & Mr. Trump are whistling past the graveyard.”
Davd Soul
