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Drug Addiction Drives Spike In Homeless Deaths

Gov’t stats show a 56% spike in homeless deaths in LA County, BUT the travesty was driven mostly by DRUG OVERDOSES, not Covid-19. Is Tucker right this nation’s homeless crisis is a “symptom of our society collapsing in real time”?

Says the Fox anchor in a recent opening monologue: “We want to begin by noting something obvious. If you live in the U.S., you may have noticed that many of our public spaces have become permanent homeless encampments. You see trash-filled tents blotting out what were once green and tidy public parks. You step over vagrants drooling, unconscious on the steps of train stations on the way to work. You watch as junkies smoke meth without any embarrassment at all, and then yell at pedestrians on the sidewalk, maybe at your children.”

Tucker goes on to conclude: “Our leaders did this. No matter what they tell you. It’s not an act of God. It’s not the result of economic collapse in this country. America does not run out of housing.” As it happens, for months now, there’s a battered tent on 23rd St NW in DC’s Foggy Bottom on the GWU campus, right next to the State Dept Complex & across from The Pan American Health Organization’s headquarters. It’s most recently occupied by a homeless person who may or may not be on drugs but certainly looks desperate as he sits idly on a milk crate, staring straight ahead, sometimes, for hours. Nearby residents say the man screams bloody murder in the middle of the night, which can be heard 8 stories above in a nearby hi-rise. I’ve seen pedestrians having to either hold their noses as they pass by his surrounding filth or cross over in detour. As one neighbor told me, “You’d think SOMEBODY in this town could find a way to get him help and off the street.”

Davd Soul


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