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Drunk Nuked My Power Grid & Super Bowl

Scratch one Super Bowl for me & hundreds of others in Falls Church, Va as a drunk took out a transformer & crashed into a home. 24-hrs later & still without power, I ask is this all it takes in the green transition to take out an entire grid?


As it happens, the diesel-fueled back up kept the lights on & elevators running in our condo complex. But, I quickly learned that, besides missing the football game of the year & going without internet service for whenever, I couldn’t even get the game on my transition radio for want of batteries. Next morning, it would soon dawn on me that I couldn’t enjoy for breakfast so much as a hot cup of Joe from the Mr. Coffee or toast from the Black & Decker. (I settled for a Stroop waffle & tepid cup of instant coffee compliments of my kitchen faucet’s “hot” water tap.) Even a cold bowl of milk over my usual Grapenuts was not advisable since opening the frig door would have exposed all contents to Mr. Mold.


I digress. The point is, it’s obvious that our genius elite leaders on the East & West coasts pushing for a headlong transition into green aka electric-only power to save the planet no matter what the other consequences may be, have absolutely no plan in place for even minor blackouts like this. The news may be filled with black out reports of various kinds & editorial warnings about the ease with which hackers &/or terrorists can shut down an entire city. But, it’s not so funny that there’s never news of a plan to do anything realistically concrete about it. So, the drunks of this world notwithstanding, are we back to the Cuban Missile Crisis “Just Bend Over And Kiss You’re A** Goodbye” reality?


Davd Soul


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