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Dumbing Down Of America’s Kids

A shocked Dr. Phil & tv guest alleged not only that America’s student are getting dumber but the educational system is playing a part by covering up its dirty secret of lowering standards for the past 30 years …

“There is a sellout going on,” said Dr. Phil. “Instead of figuring out innovative ways to teach our kids & close the gap, it’s like the system is caving to the least and meeting these kids where they are instead of bringing them up to standards.” More to the point, added guest Nicholas Giordano, a political science professor at Suffolk Community College, the standards themselves are constantly being LOWERED, thereby compounding the dumb down‘s downward trend. “You’re seeing a coverup within the educational system … Proficiency levels on average are about 25% of the subject material when [students] graduate high school. Now, what they don’t say is that those numbers have been flat for about 30 years, yet we’ve been dropping standards at the same time … If we had the same standards in place … it would be even lower.”

What Dr. Phil & the professor are alluding to is the recently published Nation’s 2022 Report Card showing the largest decreases in math scores ever while reading scores dropped to levels not seen since 1992. Meanwhile, as Fox News noted, research at Harvard & Stanford “found that achievement losses ‘were largest in higher poverty districts,’” which were widened during the pandemic. “This should be one of the top issues withing the country & most people are remaining silent about it,” Giordano concluded.

Davd Soul


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