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Dunno Bout UFOs, UAPs or UDOs Yet?

TWO years into Gov’t deep dive into UFO Infinity & Beyond with only a renaming convention to show for it, Holman Jenkins muses, “Operation clean-up is easy to explain, but why 5 yrs of taunting Roswell crowd?”

As the WSJ columnist waxed: “The Pentagon’s UFO hunters seem to coin new acronyms at a rate of one a year & may now need another – unexplained delayed object. The UDO in question is the intelligence community’s second annual report on military sightings of what are now called unexplained aerial phenomena [aka UAPs]. Originally expected in October, then, promised by yr-end, it appeared [last wk] sticking another pin in the 5-yr UFO belief bubble fostered by the U.S. government itself.” Perhaps to throw off if not scare the bejesus out of the Russkies & Chinese communists?

As Mr. Jenkins argues, “In an irony the world will be slow to appreciate, 60 years of Roswell paranoia has been stood on its head. The intelligence the U.S. was hiding is intelligence that suggests UFOs ARE NOT [scientifically implausible] alien spacecraft but ordinary drones, balloons, wind-blown plastic bags, etc. The government’s desire to keep its own secrets was a key inflator of the UFO bubble.” Still, dunno Holman. As a South Side of Chicago kid I saw in dead of the night a pulsating red light silently hovering over Midway Airport, then-World’s Busiest Airport (so said Mayor Daley), and it suddenly, zoomed without a wheez across the horizon IN SECONDS! And, besides, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson now says he’s a paranoid believer.

Davd Soul


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