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Durham On Silent Blabbermouth Comey

Notice how James “Blabbermouth” Comey (Hillary’s suggested nickname) has been relatively quiet in wake of Durham report concluding the FBI he headed circa 2020 ignored “all the rules in the Trump-Russia probe”?

Little wonder, really. Mr. Comey mostly stonewalled Mr. Durham’s investigation. Still, the WSJ’s editorial board minced few words in its “Durham on Comey’s Culpability.” They reiterate how the FBI early on got “shocking intelligence in 2018, suggesting the Russians might have compromised Christopher Steele’s sources even before the opposition researcher began feeding his infamous dossier to the FBI” yet the fully-informed head of the FBI would insist at every chance he could that he “cannot recall” the heads up as if an advanced Alzheimer’s victim.

Concluded the editors: “The Durham report gives the lie to this claim, which in turn explains what went wrong. The Trump probe was run by the ‘seventh floor’ – by two men [aka Comey & top asst McCabe?] who were thrilled to be playing political kingmakers & who broke all the rules.” Might it be also noted, the chicanery played out in ways that affected both Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump?

Davd Soul


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