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Durham Report, The Alamo & Joe Schmo

When Trump was elected in 2016 63 million voted for draining the DC Swamp. Doesn’t Durham’s final report say why voters were right AND the MSM’s & Swamp’s complicity suggest there’s still more work to be done?

The WSJ’s editorial board suggested as much in the wake of Durham’s damning judgment call & subsequent pooh-poohing by the DC elitists & their media apologists slash advocates. In it’s op ed titled “John Durham’s Report and a Presidency in Crisis,” we’re sadly told “The press [still] covers its eyes about Joe Biden & helps re-elect Donald Trump.” The editors explained, “Mr. Durham’s findings will be old hat & ignored by the media that ignored such information even when it was new hat. Even to the most receptive audience, the news will be eclipsed by what has happened since. The Clinton campaign engaged in good, old-fashioned political smears, albeit helped by fellow travelers in the FBI. This new low in American politics has since been succeeded by the layer cake of falsehood cooked up by 51 former top intelligence officials, including three former leaders of the CIA, to flaunt a new fake Russia conspiracy to get Joe Biden elected.”

There’s more, as the WSJ also opines “the news blackout can’t conceal the suspicious details unearthed by congressional investigators about Biden family bank accounts, shell companies & transfers from shady foreign actors. It can’t conceal Mr. Biden may owe his presidency to a de facto US intel agency operation to bamboozle voters about his son’s laptop.” So is Joe’s presidency “in crisis” or not? As the editors note, an “ambulatory & energetic” Mr. Trump leads in the popular polls vs Biden now, despite being convicted of civil sexual assault & indicted for paying hush money to a gold-digging porn star. Folks may not be telling Joe they’ll “Remember the Alamo” as much as they’ll “Remember Joe Schmo.”

Davd Soul


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