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Durham’s Clinton Mole Moron 4 Calling Ghostbusters?

WSJ excoriated as well as exorcised The Swamp’s “Strange Defense of Spying on Trump” as Durham’s supposedly “nonpartisan” devil doing the alleged spying claims any mention of him running to Clinton campaign with unproven dirt instead of FBI should be purged from latest court filing.

As the WSJ suggests, it's a “defense” that only a Swamp lawyer would dream up for a client caught red-handed in a compromising pose. The backstory: “A legal filing Friday by special counsel John Durham says a private contractor aided the Hillary Clinton campaign in concocting the false collusion tale. Tech executive Rodney Joffe worked with other researchers to mine proprietary internet data, including records from the White House. The filing says Mr. Joffe could access this data because his employer has a “sensitive arrangement” with the government to provide internet services, which [he] “exploited” to help Team Clinton gather “derogatory information about Donald Trump … Mr. Joffe’s response, in a Monday statement” drafted by his Swamp attorneys insisted he was simply doing his dirty job as any nonpartisan “security expert” or dirt bag would. But for, reminds the WSJ…

“But according to Mr. Durham’s filing,” the op ed notes, Mr. Joffe took his information to others – namely, lawyers for the Clinton campaign, who also brought in the oppo-research hit squad Fusion GPS” & “this partisan team spent months writing anti-Trump white papers full of unproven claims that they spread to the media. We doubt government contracts [like Mr. Joffe’s] include: “In case of threats, first call Democrats” or The Ghostbusters.

Davd Soul


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