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Election Law Hunger Strikers Full Of Baloney In End?

You always knew the “Hunger Strikers” to force the federalization of all elections were full of it since Sen. Cryin Chuck Schumer promised a quick vote on the enabling bill (which failed to pass Tuesday). Now they can eat all the burgers & shakes they can get on Soros’s dime & until next goofy idea pops into or is surgically implanted in their brains.

Not that hunger strikes haven’t worked in history when life & death issues like slavery, apartheid, or caste systems are at stake. But, a fake civil rights bill trumpeted to fight imaginary Jim Crow laws? One that’s really one party’s disguised power play to federalize aka take over the 50 states’ election laws, most of which have already been liberalized & as minority voting rates now often exceed the whites?

These activists in DC apparently had seen the handwriting on the wall as Senators Manchin & Sinema refused to go along with Mr. Biden’s “top priority,” thereby spelling its doom. On “Day Six” of their hunger strike, they took their empty tummies to the Capitol steps in one last gasp effort to “escalate” their crisis in the MSM, only to be easily & ignominiously arrested like the Jan 6 rioters should have been once they got that far and threatened mayhem.

Davd Soul


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