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Elementary? Biden’s John Brown Was Trump’s Fault?

How the hell did Joe Biden get within days of occupying the White House when Donald Trump accomplished more in a thousand days than his successor can in a thousand years?

Sherlock Holmes buffs using their deductive reasoning skills might call it the “Two Percent Solution.” That’s the small margin that will have made the difference and it was obvious it would from the start. The Dems handling Mr. Biden knew this and the GOPers with Mr. Trump rolled the dice their way anyway. “Elementary, my Dear Watson,” Holmes would say, “Joe Biden simply hid from sight before the election & pretended to be a more cuddly Obama, whilst the President never missed a chance to be front & center solving problems yet be skewered & blamed for every ill in the world.”

It was a “two percent of the electorate” gambit taken from Abraham Lincoln’s playbook during the 1860 campaign that made him president. “I make no public appearance or statement” because “my past speeches speak for themselves,” Mr. Lincoln repeatedly dodged. The “House Divided” speech & anti-slavery platform of the GOP was ample amplification of what he’d do as president, he insisted. Meanwhile, Democrat opponent Stephen Douglas toured the South begging the folks there to stay in the Union & was blamed for every miserable problem, then & imagined for the future. John Brown? The “Little Giant’s” fault. Covid? Elementary, Watson.

Davd Soul


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