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Embattled Pastors Questioning Calling?

Pastors are battling skyrocketing burnout & think about quitting their calling as divisive partisan politics and pandemic pandemonium has gotten too “wearing on the soul” …

As Fox News reports, “a staggering 42% of pastors have considered quitting full-time ministry.” At least according to a recent survey of clergy & their counselors. “Our faith does not exempt us from anxiety, depression, temptation or COVID, so that’s to be expected,” said David Ferguson, executive director of the Great Commandment Network, which provides counseling initiatives to help pastors in their stressful work. “But in addition to that, we obviously are in a real divided, polarized politicized world, where sadly at times pastors feel the pressure to take positions on every imaginable topic.”

The study of Protestant pastors was conducted in March by faith-based Barna Group suggesting unprecedented numbers are thinking about quitting the ministry. Moreover, the poll showed that rates of burnout among pastors have risen dramatically during the past year”, jumping 13% points to that 42% number. So now we know a little better why so many pastors ask for their congregations to also pray for them? They have souls needing peace, too …

Davd Soul


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