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Environmentalists’ Woeful Planning Blow

LA Times now warns about “environmental danger” in solar transition causing garbage mgt woes while transitioning Texas warns folks to conserve energy consumption cause wind ain’t blowin’ as hoped. Huh?

The lack of Planning 101 in California and Texas reminds me of the nuclear waste fiasco I covered around the turn of the Century when, da, nuclear power plants needed to find a place in the Rocky Mountains to bury their spent fuel, but the locals, states, feds agency & Congress to this day are STILL arguing over if, when & should. Ever hear of the Yucca Mountain repository? I did. DECADES AGO as a legal journalist. And lawsuits up the butt since. Finally, after dithering for more than a decade, the Obama, Trump & Biden administrations put funding for the project either on hold or outright killed it, while more proposals keep being floated. So, meanwhile, where’s the spent nuclear fuel now? As the Nevada AG argued eons ago, Yucca was never going to be big enough to store all of the nation’s nuclear waste anyway. As a result, over 70K metric tons of the high-level radioactive stuff is being stored in more than 77 reactor sites across the country, including Illinois, Pa & South Carolina. Lord knows how safely …

But, fast forward to 2022. The Times tells us “California has excess solar panel waste & limited means of disposal” aka it doesn’t know what to do with the old outdated crap any child could have anticipated. And, Fox Business says progressive Texas officials’ ill-fated headlong dash to commit more & more of the state’s energy grid to wind energy sources are now begging citizens & businesses to turn their thermostats down because the high tech wind turbines are faltering.

Davd Soul


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