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Era of Big Taxes Always Upon Us?

We’ve entered the Era of Big Taxes, says WSJ’s Tom (no joke) Fairless? “Ho, ho, ho,” said the Generous One who lived long enough to know nearly 50% of the average US chumbolone’s paycheck was already being whisked away by local, state & federal taxes.


To be fair to Mr. Fairless, it’s true that “with debt more expensive now, rich countries [and not just the USA] are turning to voters & businesses to pay for growing spending needs.” So, much so, notes Fairless, that “tax revenues have risen to record levels … in a number of major economies, including France, Japan & South Korea,” thereby fueling ever more “the trend toward big government.” Yet, one problem with Fairless’s fearless observation is that arguably ALL countries with BIG GOVERNMENTS that have embraced socialist, progressive and/or social needs spending policies run amok, have been turning to voters & businesses for years to pay for their good intentions … only to find that the more problems identified & supposedly earmarked for solution too often create even bigger, more expensive problems to be ID’d & supposedly solved by you know who. Once the monkey is given a banana, it ALWAYS wants another.


Cases in point spanning the past century might include nearly bankrupt Social Security’s “safety net” origins, Ike’s “Military Industrial Complex” warnings that neglected to foresee how it would be invaded by academia & the MSM; Dr. King’s Civil Rights Movement who might have been ok with DEI whatever it is, but not so much transgender mania; or the inconvenient truth about Kerry’s 30-year promise to save the earth from its pollution which is worse now globally, despite trillions having been spent on one unrealistic problem-solving idea after another. Toss in the costs of mitigating the Covid pandemic, fighting localized terrorist attacks & feeding the regional war monsters … you get the picture.


Davd Soul


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