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Et tu? WSJ Gulled Into Biden Recession PR?

Was gutless WSJ tricked by Biden PR into running story Thursday morn about GDP rising “slightly” in Q2, then, moments later finding out it SHRANK another 0.9% meeting the “traditional” marker for RECESSION?

I say “gutless” because Team Biden had launched a week-long PR campaign to change the definition of “recession” & insisted the economy was doing better than expected if not great (even though the Atlanta Fed had earlier suggested a Q2 downturn of about 1% or more). One, then, has to wonder if the WSJ editors weren’t covering their butts with that early morning story just in case the Biden blowhards were telling the truth about a second consecutive downturn in the GDP.

Forget Treasury Sec Yellen parroting the talking point that the US is not really in a real recession. Or, Fed Chairman telling the stock market their plunging values are a mirage as he raised his interest rate another 75 base points. But, the WSJ should know better that to be so gullible as to be taken in by such “transparent BS from the Swamp” that’s obviously timed & cued to influence consumers, the markets and their behavior …

Davd Soul


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