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Eternal Covid Crisis Turning Into Endemic Welfare?

The WSJ’s “Eternal Covid Emergency” notes how Joe's HHS extended the crisis again, despite Operation Warp Speed’s success in fighting the pandemic, “so it can keep the extra welfare flowing.”

The editors were blunt: “The Covid emergency is over thanks mainly to vaccines & therapies. Yet Health & Human Services Sec Xavier Becerra on Wednesday extended the national public-health emergency for another 90 days. Why? Because permanent crisis means more dependence on government.”

How much more largess are we talking & how much damage to the economy? Billions and “the sweetened food stamps & suspended work-requirement – on top of enhanced unemployment benefits and other transfer payments – reduced the incentive to return to work,” so much so that there are now “1.8 job openings for every unemployed worker [while] the unemployment rate has fallen to near pre-pandemic levels.” As the WSJ conceded, runaway inflation under President Biden’s watch is a real concern for those living from pay check to pay check, or, in this case, from one government handout to the next. Yet, maybe fix those forces triggering the inflation (including GOVERNMENT OVERSPENDING & OVERREGULATION) so that “pandemic welfare” doesn’t “become endemic”?

Davd Soul


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