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EU Can Keep Its Gelato, USA Has It All

Some say the US & Europe are headed for a divorce, but reality is the two have long been separated by different views of a shared Western Civilization, its history, culture, morality, art, business, wealth & destiny.


Not that Gerard Baker was wrong in recently writing about how “Trump’s re-election has expose aesthetic & substantive divisions within the alliance” between America & its European allies that were supposedly cemented by the outcomes of two world wars. The WSJ columnist marvels at how “the more childishly enjoyable fruits of Donald Trump’s election victory has been watching the spectacular gymnastic contortions of political leaders in Europe … as they try to reconcile their previously expressed revulsion toward him with the political reality of his renewed status as the most powerful man on the planet.”


Ok. But forget for a second those predictable flip flops. Wasn’t the assumed fraternity of these western nations always far from being a perfect friendship let alone marriage? In fact, didn’t the 13 colonies REJECT European subservience, along with many of its laws; that is, after the Pilgrims & other natives fled religious persecution from the kings & queens of Europe? Then, didn’t the Founding Fathers stick an “All men are created equal” finger in their former masters’ eye, then, adding insult to injury, used its independence of thought to become the mightiest, richest & most desired nation on earth? To be sure, the USA has never been the perfect alternative to European ideals & accomplishments. Yet, every time it looks at its European counterparts without woke colored glasses, it still doesn’t like what it sees. Indeed, as Lincoln once told the world in the midst of a bloody US Civil War, don’t we insist America still represents  “Last best hope of earth”?


Davd Soul


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