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EU’s Energy Crisis Is Nuclear & Natural Gas Champion

Progressives are famous for never letting a good crisis go by without taking advantage of it & this winter’s energy crisis appears to be the excuse for the EU to finally admit nuclear & natural gas are part of the energy solution.

As the WSJ editors noted: “Believe it or not, the European Union is set to include nuclear and natural gas on the [Brussels Green] list of industries eligible for ‘green’ investments. Someone please pass the smelling salts to the Sierra Club.” The draft plan released on New Year’s Eve even includes new natural-gas power plants built by 2030 so long as they meet emissions limits & replace heavier-emitting plants.

It’s not that lobbyists for stakeholders on all sides of the equation didn’t bicker bitterly over who would be the financial winners and losers, the WSJ noted, the financial stakes obviously being huge. Yet, “this is that rarest of cases in climate policy where the politics aligns with energy reality.” If the world is to realistically “ween itself off of fossil fuels” in a timely as well as financially feasible way, the editors rightly conclude, reliable emission-free nuclear and plentiful low-emitting natural gas are essential players in the game. They have been staring everyone in the face, if only everyone would lose their ideological talking points.

Davd Soul


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