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EU’s Environment Mania Leads To Energy Masochism

The WSJ’s “A Lesson in Energy Masochism” explains “how Europe made itself vulnerable to Putin’s gas blackmail” fueled by its quest to go carbonless asap. Actually, President Biden is following the EU footprint, but that’s another bestial story …

For now, the editorial board tells us, “European governments are scrambling to shore up their natural gas supply if Russia cuts off exports … How in the world did Europe leave itself so vulnerable to Vladimir Putin’s energy extortion?” The simple numbers don’t lie. “Russian gas exports have increased in tandem with declining European production. A mere 15 years ago, countries in the European Union produced more gas than Russia exported. Yet European production has plunged by more than half over the last decade. Mr. Putin has happily filled the supply gap.”

Fast forward to 2020. Russia exported “nearly three times more gas than Europe produced.” Want to be amazed even more? “Europe increased its reliance on Russian gas even after Gazprom repeatedly suspended pipeline exports to Ukraine. Germany’s response: Build the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to make itself less dependent on gas flowing through Ukraine.” As for Mr. Biden? He blinked. Of course, much of the driving force of this suicidal Russian dependency has been driven by the EU’s quest for a carbonless future TODAY. Meanwhile, btw, USA is STILL buying Russian oil …

Davd Soul


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