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EV Joe’s ‘Planned Obsolescence’ vs ‘Planned Currency’

Recognize the Roaring 20s “Planned Obsolescence” in today’s hi-tech world? Think of our gas guzzling SUVs & Biden’s misplaced War on Fossil Fuels that’s helping trigger unnecessary & a destructive record inflation? Enter a better mousetrap called “Planned Currency”?

Planned Obsolescence was arguably started in 1924 by GM’s Alfred P. Sloan when he was one of the first to suggest annual model changes to get owners to “trade in” their cars that just a year earlier were advertised as cutting edge. In 1934, Bernard London wrote a pamphlet giving the idea the name that became common in our lexicon by the 1950s. Recall how in the 60s & 70’s, more durable Japanese cars forced American automakers to copy them over time. And, wonder of wonders, we see The Swamp’s woke planners telling Joe to do everything and anything possible to trash gasoline driven cars so folks buy EVs … even though the technology & a vast infrastructure is still in development, electric cars’ effectiveness in helping fight global warming is doubtful given the rest of the world’s increasing pollution & might even contribute to emissions (since those EV parts are made you know where), & the costs to consumers in the meantime is fueling that runaway inflation.

Ironically, after all these years, the USA’s economic & industrial geniuses never seem to have heard of “Planned Currency” or “Planned Modernity” or “Common Sense Change” to make needed “change” good, rather than ineffective at best, destructive at worst.

Davd Soul


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