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Even Chicken Little Ducking 4 Recession Cover?

As stock market keeps pretending a recession ain’t coming & FED’s Powell keeps promising “resolve” in fighting inflation here to prevent it, we learn UK’s inflation hit 9% & the Brits AIN’T FOOLED.

As the WSJ article titled, “UK Inflation Hits 40-Year High, Putting Government on Defensive,” prices OVER THERE, as well as OVER HERE, keep ACCELERATING, thereby signaling the “British economy faces a recession,” at least, according to a growing number of “economists and politicians.”

If only the US had economists & pols like the Brits who cut to the chase & weren’t gutless about our obvious financial prospects in the foreseeable future. What was that Fox story about gas prices “jumped 4 cents” again “overnight”? Even Chicken Little would be right to be ducking for cover …

Davd Soul


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