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Even Depends Can’t Stop Dem S Ct Leaks

WSJ suggests a liberal Supreme Court insider is feeding supposed dirt to NY Times on Chief Justice because he’s not caving into left’s demands to “get” Trump? If true, it’s an unprecedented dark day for Rule of Law, nation.


The editorial board didn’t mince words: “Leaks from inside the Supreme Court target the Chief Justice in the Trump cases,” Most alarming was a Sunday story in the New York Times that was “fueled by [normally inconceivable] leaks about internal Court deliberations supposedly showing Justice Roberts steering the Trump cases for review rather than ignoring idiotic lib prosecutions & lower court cases against Trump & the Rule of Law. The goal, of course, it to undercut the man’s candidacy, if not freedom. As always, the WSJ noted, the Times hit piece itself ignored Constitutional law & emphasized the progressive hatred of Trump. “That leaker still hasn’t been identified, but it was probably a clerk or functionary at the Court,” the editors waxed. But, WHAT IF IT WAS ONE OF THE LIBERAL JUSTICES?


Opines the WSJ: “The intent [of the leaks is also] clearly to tarnish the conservative majority currently on the Court as political (even tho Roberts has in many cases been “hardly a Trumpian partisan”). As the editors also note, the Court “had little choice” to take on the “Trump cases” after “Democrats used the legal system” via their weaponized lawfare against Trump & as they moved up the appellate chain. Democrats & their leftist media allies “politicize the law against a candidate of the opposing party & then they claim to be shocked because the Sup Ct does its duty to rule on the legality of what they are doing.” One case in point was the Colorado Sup Ct ruling barring Trump from the ballot under a fanciful 14thAmendment argument, which even the three leftist Justices voted to overturn. “We are at a dangerous juncture in American constitutional history,” the WSJ concluded, “and Mr. Trump isn’t the only, or the greatest, risk.”


Davd Soul


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