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Even Jesus Taxed By Dems’ Anti-Inflation Act?

WSJ suggests even Jesus would have to pay new taxes to IRS’s Matthew if the 2 Joe’s latest inflationary “Anti-Inflation Act” pork-filled spending spree is rammed through Congress by their Dem sheep, er, lambs.

As columnist Gerard Baker wrote, the Pollyanna “deal” West Va Senator Manchin belatedly agreed to just to save the remnants of Joe Biden’s Build Back Better boondoggle “Is an Insult to Used-Car Salesmen”. As his colleagues on the newspaper’s editorial board explained best & contrary to the Dems’ propaganda, the latest spending spree cannot possibly reduce the current 41-yr high inflation rate until at least 2027 or later. In quoting the Penn Wharton Budget Model Manchin himself has often alluded to: “The impact on inflation is statistically indistinguishable from zero” through 2031 … If the first deficit reduction doesn’t come for five years (i.e., 2017), what’s the help on inflation today?” Meanwhile, the Joint Cte on Taxation found the “average tax rates will increase for every income category in 2023 under the bill … The reality is that the Schumer-Manchin bill is a tax increase on nearly every American.”

The WSJ wonders whether the bill’s “$327 billion in new taxes could slow inflation [sooner] if the economy falls into recession & that may be the quiet expectation.” If so, are we looking at yet another Dem policy cynically designed to FORCE Americans to adopt their radical progressive agenda as they arguably did in their War on Fossil Fuels that drove up gas prices so we buy EVs? Matthew may have immediately followed Jesus when called, but that doesn’t mean Jesus would have followed the Dems’ tax collector in this case.

Davd Soul


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