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Ex-Dem Presidents Do Joe’s Virtual Monday QBing Before Trump Gives ‘Em Hell Like Harry

After watching 3 Days of the DNC’s 2020 convention we’re reminded of the old saw that it’s easy to second-guess & criticize an opponent from one’s virtual armchair. The Dems certainly have been doing plenty of that this week while sweeping their dirt (Socialism, Antifa, Blue Murders, Rioting, Black on Black Violence, Open Borders, Anti-2d Amendment, Me-Too/Abortion) UNDER THE CARPET. And, this hypocrisy is turning their convention into a mostly fake, boring affair. So, if I may, let’s return the favor with a taste of their own Monday morning quarterbacking so the GOP won’t make the same mistakes next week.

For one thing, the Dems should have had their impeached, sex-crazed ex-president play the saxophone rather than lecture the current one about “shifting the blame.” Nor was it smart to have another "ex" remind folks of the good ‘ol days when he ushered in ungodly gas shortages and let scores of kidnapped Americans rot for nearly a year in Iran. Above all, on Day 3, don’t have yet another ex-Dem President hail the nominee’s “economic and foreign policy” chops when he saw the ISIS Caliphate expand and the U.S. economy stagnate miserably under his watch as VP.

True, Joe’s "climactic" (YAWN) acceptance speech will surely be a hum dinger since it will have been written by others. He’ll yet again insist he’s the “leader” America needs, while never having held a presser. But, remember, too Mr. President, Joe’s going to be told to hawk every one of the above “reminders of past glory” and ignore what’s really going on. That’s his real exposed underbelly. We all know the Forgotten Men and Women aren’t stupid or deplorable or racist. As Lincoln said, most see through Joe’s partisan rope a dope. The challenge for you at your nominating party, will be to “tell it like it is,” like ‘Ol Harry did, not like it isn’t. THAT brutal honesty … and a realistic, detailed game plan for the future…is what got you elected in 2016 and THAT is what is most likely to get you re-elected in November.

Davd Soul


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