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Ex-Insane Assassin Hinckley Free As Loony

John Hinckley is out of custody after 34 years under guard & says he’s “ready to rock n roll” as a songwriter singer. I never bought his insanity defense of shooting a POTUS to impress actress Jodie Foster …

It doesn’t take a legal expert to think John Boy seemed to KNOW he was trying to snuff out a human life as well as get a date with Jodie. People forget & the MSM is often ignorant of the law, but an insanity defense typically requires two elements: The accused needs to be suffering from a mental defect or disease at the time of the crime AND not know the nature or quality of the criminal act OR that it was wrong, again, because of the mental defect.

Not that the 25-yr-old man who shot President Ronald Reagan in 1981 and as I describe in my historical-political novel “Michael’s Original Sin” wasn’t a nut case at the time. Supposedly, he was “inspired” by the Martin Scorsese film “Taxi Driver,” in which the main character, another head case, was played by yet another head case, Robert De Niro. And, I’m sure the defense counsel dug up progressive shrinks who testified Hinckley was certifiably loony, without a clue as to what he was really doing. But, as he stalked Mr. Reagan in systematic, premeditated fashion before pulling that trigger so many times … pow, pow, pow …

Davd Soul


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