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Ex-Obama Aid Bashes Reckless Biden Riffs

The smile on Joe’s face after knee slapper gig trashing Trump on comedian Kimmel’s show was maybe wiped off when an Obama official wrote in USA Today his “reckless” gaffes are sucking the life out of nation’s cred.

Read it and weep, Joe. Former Director of Global Engagement for the Obama White House Brett Bruen minced few words last Tuesday when he wrote Mr. Biden’s “reckless riffs” and foreign policy gaffes “have unnecessarily undermined our standing and irresponsibly handed propaganda pints to our adversaries.”

You wonder why Mr. Obama hesitated in backing Mr. Biden for the presidency? Explained Mr. Bruen: “I used to cringe when Vice President Joe Biden took to the podium. Despite all the preparation that went into an event and his remarks, as a staffer on the National Security Council, you never quite knew what he might say…The reckless riffs have continued … especially when discussing diplomacy.” Bruen cited Biden remarks last summer on the “inevitability” that Kabul would “fall to the Taliban”, thereby triggering panic throughout the region, and his seeming to give “Russian President Putin a tacit green light to take at least some Ukrainian terrority.” Then there was the Taiwan debacle in which he'd supposedly agreed to go to war with China if it invaded that island it claims for its own. Mr. Bruen called for a Biden “reset.” Yet, as Bruen already argued in his piece, all the planning and prep in the past never made this old dog learn a new trick.

Davd Soul


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