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Fair Housing Act Protects Cat Ladies & Hoarders While Landlords Go Nuts

Much has been written about the insane extent to which progressive agendas and political correctness mania has taken over our country. But, the DC’s Fair Housing law I recently came across is another candidate for a sequel to “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” Why? Because the law as applied in Foggy Bottom requires its landlords to treat even “hoarders” as a “protected class”. You guessed it. That invariably means to some grumpy landlords that even unreasonable “reasonable accommodations” must be afforded so the “delicate” behavior can go on or they get sued up the butt for violating the hoarder’s human rights.

In all fairness, “hoarding” was recognized nationally as a “disability” under the federal Fair Housing Act back in 2013 when Barack The Magnificent was POTUS. As Mr Eloquence would have lectured, “behaviors associated with hoarding can substantially limit one or more of a person’s major life activities.” My question to The Barama and disability experts everywhere, however, is how can average Joe Landlords become PC shrinks in the real world so they comply without losing their own minds? “Reasonable” accommodation, after all, depends on the eye of the beholder.

I recall one of my first assignments as a cub reporter for a Chicagoland newspaper was to cover a rich widow aka The Cat Lady who housed over 90 cats in her rented 3-bedroom ranch. Finally one day, a Good Samaritan neighbor called 911. When I arrived on the scene, a dozen firemen were combatting the acrid aroma inside that had made 3 of their early arriving comrades puke before passing out. They all now wore gas masks as they rescued the abused pets one at a time, but not I. Tearing and gagging, I marched into the Pit of Poop and witnessed the horror first hand so’s to be able to describe it for the readers during next morning’s coffee and donut clutch. That’s the kind of Old School Journalist I was. Tough as nails, smart as a whip. Yet, I have to admit I would have shed far more tears as well as torn out my hair had I been a landlord asked to “accommodate” The Cat Lady’s disability.

Davd Soul


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