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Fair Tax System Lies In Tax Code Simplicity, Dummy

May we suggest WSJ columnist McGurn’s “Defund Joe Biden’s IRS” hits its mark by reminding us of the greatest need: A Simplified Tax Code.”

It’s true, the president’s call for an extra $80B for the IRS is an “investment” of sorts & perhaps even needed since the current estimated “tax gap”, i.e., uncollected taxes, is anywhere from $600B to $1T each year. And, God only knows the IRS (like the Social Security Administration, DHS, etc) sorely need the latest technology to do their jobs. (My particular motive: Eliminate the errors & keep the good news coming, e.g., via no more inaccurate delinquency notices; more accurate refunds & payments; & quicker arrest of those on the terrorist list).

And yet, as Mr. McGurn notes, merely putting more IRS boots on the ground as POTUS now suggests can often cause more problems than they solve, especially if the troops don’t have the tools to get the job done fairly & squarely: “Let’s call [the solution] the Milton Friedman [School of Thought] – that holds the best tax collection system comes from a Tax Code that keeps taxes low, fair and SIMPLE.”

Davd Soul


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