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Faith in God Not Pols’ ID Politics Key Black Dreams?

Eli Steele’s Fox op ed “Chicago pastor tests his faith as he returns to roof for 100 days to end violence” argues a person’s faith in our God-given ability paves the road to the American Dream, not Identity Politics’ “condescending” false promises that have plagued the nation’s inner cities for decades.

Some may recall the headlines Pastor Corey Brooks made on Chicago’s gang-infested Woodland neighborhood by “climbing onto the roof of violence-plagued motel in the middle of a brutal winter” to protest the daily murders, drugs & prostitution occurring there . He saw a “desensitized” albeit progressive media & city leadership & was determined to remain on the roof until he had raised enough money to buy then demolish the motel. “His faith paid off” as a number of people with means donated the funds. But, almost as soon as the Gomorrah thankfully disappeared from sight so did the media spotlight & do gooders’ wallets. Ten years later, the Pastor’s New Beginnings Church is still looking to build on that now vacant site a “community center to serve as a shining example on the hill.” As a result, he’s mounting a make shift “roof” & pitching a tent on it for another 100 days to recreate the fund-raising effort; only this time; it’s with the help of “CEOs throughout the city and nation, challenging them to spend one night” with him.

Steele details Pastor Brooks’ frustrations with progressive pols, including President Biden, who talk “Build Back Better” but spend most of their time touting “how racist landmarks across America must be reconstructed” or spend “$200M on a SF park named after Nancy Pelosi.” So the reader can check that angle out, if desired. But, the pastor’s main point is this one still lacking ingredient in the progressive agenda: “Faith.” He explained: Where “there is faith in God … there is also faith in oneself and the community.” And, it’s upon THOSE building blocks, not empty rhetoric, in which a “better reality [can & must] be forged.”

Davd Soul


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